Thursday, July 28, 2016

07/25/2016 About Last Night..........

Hello Fellow Toastmasters, 
Last night ‘officially’ kicked off the new Toastmaster year with the installation of the new officers. The evening was a little too warm for comfort, but we had a great showing and an excellent meeting.
Thank you to the individuals who filled in roles last night, this is also a great opportunity to learn and exercise our leadership skills. Lucille started off the night stepping in for Invocation, followed by Michael who soon had us laughing with his witty joke. 
Our Toastmaster for the night Terry was on point, ensuring that the meeting flowed well and transitioning smoothly from one part of the meeting to the next. Daniela was the Table Topic Mater and asked varying questions related to the last night’s theme ‘Secret.’ All speakers did well thinking on their feet, answering questions that were a bit challenging. The Table Topic session was followed by succinct and to the point evaluations by our Table Topic Evaluator George. His feedback included being mindful of your body language on stage, move with purpose, and use eye contact to engage the audience.
The refreshments last night were provided by Al, a big thank you! They were wonderful.
The second half of our meeting began with Angelica installing the new officers. All new officers (and proxies) were called up on stage, and she beautifully described each new officer’s role with an analogy of a book. The role of each officer relates to the parts of a book. In the end, we, including the members, comprise a book that we all ‘love to read.’ A great big thank you to our distinguished Angelica!
Following the installation we had two speakers. Lucile gave an impromptu and speech about the dam in Whittier, and informed of the dangers that can arise with heavy rainfall and poor maintenance of a dam. She gave a historical example of a dam in Pennsylvania that flooded and resulted in a disaster. Garvin was our second speaker and gave the audience one great piece of advice for life: learn to sell. He informed us that selling is all about the other person, and this can result in better relationships with others. 
The evaluators soon took the stage to provide feedback for the speakers. Fabian evaluated Lucille’s speech and recapped her story while also providing pointers. Alex evaluated Garvin’s speech and provided a number of suggestions to improve his speeches in the future. 
It was a warmer than usual meeting last night, but those in attendance can agree, we had a great time. Join us next week again for another great meeting. See you next time!

Friday, July 22, 2016

07/18/2016 About Last Night..........

Good evening fellow Toastmasters. Our meeting tonight saw us return to regular scheduled programming.

The evening started right on time with Fabian filling in delivering a a very spiritual message.

Daniel did a great job keeping the meeting going and interjecting his witty humor throughout the night. And most importantly ending the meeting on time.

Tonight was an "open topic" and Michael our TT master really ran with it. Asking very hard hitting and thought provoking questions very much in line with what we are currently going through as people and civilization. I could tell Michael took the time to plan the questions he was to ask, we really appreciate Michael. 

Martin quite calmly then delivered his first Table topic evaluation providing each Table Topic speaker feedback invaluable advice to use in their future speeches. 

Migo then swooped in like an eagle two drop off pizzas & refreshments to keep our stomachs full and happy  :) Thank You very much Migo for doing that!!!

The 2nd half of the meeting was quite a treat as we saw 3 different speeches given. Al did a great job giving just his 2nd speech using visual aids to perfection. Diego then told us a little about his life, and aspirations delivering his IceBreaker speech. Fabian filled in as our 3rd speaker of the night with a great story as well. The speakers were evaluated by Brian, myself, & Garvin. Thank You ALL!!!

It was our first meeting back, and I have to say people seemed excited to be back! Now that summer is rolling along & we're back to our regular schedule we really hope to see everyone next week for another great meeting and our club's officer installation.

Thank You fellow Toastmasters