Wednesday, October 26, 2016

10/24/2016 About Last Night..........

Good evening fellow Toastmasters,

I hope everyone is doing well, I wanted to provide a quick summary of last nights meeting which was fun for everyone in attendance. George (our Table Topic Master) last night changed things up by asking varying questions in essence keeping us on our toes without the crutch of having an idea what the question might be. I want to commend all speakers who participated, you all did great. 

Speakers were then evaluated by myself giving both positive and constructive feedback. Our break was sponsored by Byron who provided food and drink. THANK YOU

The second half of our meeting featured two great speakers Hesty & Brian who gave two very well thought speeches. They were then evaluated by Byron and George.

I have to say a very exciting meeting yesterday. Before I go I want to remind everyone that one of our own George Ngo will be competing at the 2016 Fall conference on Saturday. Anyone that would like to attend please sign up by midnight tonight. The contest begins at 8:00am.

There is a $30 registration fee to attend the contest and $70 if you want to attend the entire conference.

This is registration page link:

Sheraton Cerritos Hotel
12725 Center Court Drive
Cerritos, CA 90703

Come support our Valley Speaker on Saturday...George Ngo SEE YOU THERE

If you have any questions or would like to attend do not hesitate to email me.

Thank You

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

10/17/2016 About Last Night..........

Hello fellow Toastmasters,

Monday's (10/17) meeting URGED all Toastmasters in attendance to present their arguments. Table topics were saw us present arguments for and against different topics asked by our very skilled Table Topic Master Michael. Angelica then highlighted each of the speakers with useful feedback very eloquently.

Refreshments were provided by Hesty. Thank you very much for that  :)

We were then treated to 2 prepared speeches. First Daniela presented her 10th speech, congratulations on delivering a GREAT speech and completing your CC manual! Our second speech was given by Diego...GREAT JOB both speakers especially with the slight technical difficulties.

All in all a great meeting...I can say that all in attendance looked very happy to be there. Hope you can join us next week.

Quick reminder one of our 'GEORGE' will be competing at the Division H contest this Saturday morning. Please try to attend and cheer your fellow Valley Speaker to victory!!!

Thank You


Live Oak Community Center
10144 Bogue St.
Temple City, 91780

Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

10/10/2016 About Last Night..........

Good evening fellow Toastmasters,

Monday's (10/10) featured a twist for all Toastmasters in attendance. Hesty asked us us to pitch/sell a product and other very interesting questions. All Table topic speakers did well thinking on their feet. Martin then offered helpful feedback to each of the speakers. 

Our break was quite tasty as Brian provided food and drinks...Thank You Brian

We had one prepared speaker, Emi who delivered a very thoughtful speech as he delivered it with pride and poise. He was evaulated by Daniela who offered many little bits of information which Emi could possibly interject in his next speech. Great job by both Toastmasters.

Definitely a fun way to spend a Monday night! We hope to see you next Monday so you too can enjoy a Monday evening with us.

Thank You

Thursday, October 6, 2016

10/03/2016 About Last Night..........

Hello Fellow Toastmasters

Monday's (10/03) meeting saw fellow Toastmasters provide their expertise in different skill sets with a delivery only fellow Toastmasters could offer. The second half of our meeting was a treat...We heard our fellow Toastmaster Al give a very funny speech followed by an outstanding evaluation by George. Both delivered! If you ask me they're ready for a competition  :)

For those who are unaware we are having our area contest this Saturday at:

Azusa Library
729 North Dalton Avenue
Azusa, CA. 91702

The contest starts at 1:00pm. If you wish to volunteer for meeting roles please arrive at 12:00pm for quick briefing.

Come out and support our two very articulate Toastmasters Al and George who will be competing in "Humorous Speech" & "Evaluation" contests respectively.

We hope to see all of you there!