Wednesday, August 10, 2016

08/08/2016 About Last Night..........

Hello Fellow Toastmasters, 
Last night’s meeting was certainly an ‘adventure,’ as we heard an array of vibrant stories and speeches from those in attendance.
Martin started our meeting off with a wonderful Invocation, followed by Migo as our Joke Master who soon had us laughing out loud. Al was our first time Toastmaster and did a great job ensuring the meeting flowed smoothly and on time.
Our Table Topic portion of the meeting was soon underway as our Table Topic Master for the night, Terry, took the stage. He printed questions relating to the theme ‘Adventure’ on pieces of paper and asked each speaker to pull one out of a baggie and speak on it. We heard many wonderful stories about travels, adventures, and mishaps. Alex, our Table Topic Evaluator, very succinctly provided feedback for all the speakers and gave them pointers to improve their speaking.
Refreshments last night were provided by George, thank you! 
The second half of our meeting is the prepared speeches, and last night’s meeting hosted three great speeches. Daniela gave her 9th manual speech about the power of giving and provided great examples of giving back to the community. Garvin shared with us an impromptu speech about the two most influential people in his life titled ‘A Tale of two Friends.’ He asked the audience to think about what they wish their legacy to be when then pass this world. Our third speaker was Hesty, giving us her Ice Breaker. Her very well organized speech told us about her name, her career and her hobbies. We learned a lot about Hesty; congrats on completing project 1!
Following the speeches were the evaluators. Byron was up first to evaluate Daniela’s speech and provided feedback. Fabian followed with his evaluation of Garvin’s speech and also provided pointers to make his speech more impactful. Last but not least was Migo who evaluated Hesty and gave her great ideas to improve her future speeches.
Our General Evaluator George did a great job of recapping the meeting and also providing additional feedback to the speakers, evaluators, and for the overall meeting.
We finished up the meeting just two minutes after the hour, but we had a jam-packed schedule and an audience eager to speak and learn. We hope to see you next week for another exciting meeting!  

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