Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Labor Day

Good morning fellow Toastmasters. Our 09/21 meeting “Labor Day” had us thinking of bbq's, vacations & relaxation.
Lucille (TT master last night) asked questions about Labor Day and how we would like to spend it, what we ate, & what it means to us. Her questions had TT speakers really thinking on their feet.
Our refreshments were provided by Michael...some of the best chips and salsa I've had this side of Hacienda Heights GOOD Stuff :)
Prepared speeches were given by Ricardo and Garvin who were in turn evaluated by George & Brian.
Ricardo was prepping for the upcoming speech competition while Garvin volunteered to speak last night. Great job by both speakers!
Both evaluators offered very insightful feedback which speakers could use in future speeches.
The highlight of the evening was the speech/performance given by Sam in preparation for "his big day" For those not in attendance, you missed an AMAZING performance delivered via the ukulele! GREAT JOB & best wishes my fellow toastmaster.
Michelle then evaluated the speech of the performance and offered very useful tips that Sam could incorporate in the speech portion.
All in all a great meeting & really, what better way to spend a Monday than with your fellow Toastmasters.

We will see everyone next week 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tall tales and evaluation contest

Good morning fellow Toastmasters.

After returning from celebrating the labor day at home, or elsewhere, we had our first contest of the fiscal year  
Tall tales and evaluation contest.
We had 2 prepared Tall tale speeches last night... y Ricardo and Garvin, 2 different types of speeches but all very engaging. 
We also had another prepared speech (test speech)  delivered by Fabian, so our evaluation contestants Michelle and George,were able to evaluate. 
 Juju and Lucille, and all members provided feedback & advice that each of the speakers could use for their future contest.
Our fellow toastmasters representing our club will be Michelle and Ricardo.
 Thanks everyone for sharing a delicious potluck .
I quickly wanted to let everyone know that we will have our area contest this upcoming Saturday 9-19-15 @ 9am, lets show our members our support.
Attached you will find the contest flyer.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

"Fear, Contests, Noodles, & Fun..."

Good morning fellow Toastmasters. Our 08/31 meeting “FEAR” was about phobias, some of which we knew about & others we did not.
Byron (TT master last night) asked about different phobias (I didn’t know there were so many), which resulted in many differing & very entertaining responses by Table Topic speakers.  Michael did an admirable job filling in as our TT evaluator last night, giving useful advice to all participating TT speakers.
Our refreshments were just great yesterday. Thank you Florence, Byron, somebody I’m forgetting & a guest who kept us fed and quite refreshed. Insert “I’m full” emoticon here lol.
We prepared for our club speech contest last night by having 5 total speakers (YES 5) Luis got the 2nd part of our meeting going, by giving his Icebreaker speech GREAT JOB!!!  Garvin, Ricardo, & Charles presented their speeches for the “tall tale” contest, while Juju prepared a short impromptu speech for George and Michelle to evaluate for the evaluators contest. Ernestina closed out meeting filling in as the General Evaluator going over the meeting and upcoming speech contest details.
Truly, a great meeting last night with 20+ Toastmasters in attendance! Remember we are not in session next week due to the Labor Day holiday.  Next meeting, we will hear our Tall Tale & Evaluators contestants one last time before we vote on who will represent us at the speech contest on September 19th. Let’s have a good turnout in two weeks (09/14) so we can provide all speech & evaluator contestants, poignant feedback and a proper vote.
Have a great Labor Day holiday my fellow Toastmasters!