Friday, February 27, 2009

From Lucille - coordinator's report

Toastmasters Club 269-Valley Speakers

The Hacienda Heights chapter of Toastmasters,
Valley Speakers, Club 269, has recently completed
A Speechcraft program designed to welcome visitors from the community.
Our goal was to help train those interested in making presentations, improving their grammar, meeting time constraints, preparing well-planned speeches, answering Table Topics with confidence, and especially, strengthening their ability to evaluate speeches.
We provided mentors to sit with, and help, our Speechcrafters. We provided refreshments and breaks, so we could socialize and get better acquainted. We enjoyed each other so much that some new people are joining our club. What fun!
Lucille Stromme, Coordinator

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Heads Up for 3rd session

Congratulations to all of you in participating the Speech Craft Program from Valley Speakers, Toastmasters club #269. Don't we having fun in learning from doing it.

Starting the third session of the program, our speech crafters will start to play part of the meeting roles like table topic master, table topic evaluator, and speech evaluator.

Attached are few articles download from Toastmasters magazine about table topic and evaluation.
I hope you will get some comfort from these tips and experience and get energized for new sessions.

Looking forward to see you and have a great meeting.

Juju Liu
VP Education